Love skiing? We do too!
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced skier, old or young, with a group or on your own,
we’ve got something to offer you.
The lesson price includes the instructor, the equipment, and use of the slope. Please note that ALL sessions need to be pre-booked.
If there are more than 6 of you who want to learn together, you qualify for one of our group rates.
With all group lessons everyone should ideally be of the same standard, if one person is a beginner we have to do the beginner lesson. With skiers if everyone can do snowplough turns and use the lift then variations in ability above that don’t really matter. (this button gives more information on groups)
Skiing Courses
We run several ski courses at regular intervals from September through to March. Please select a course button to view more information.
We only run courses for beginners, because once people have mastered the basics, everyone has different things they need to work on, so we find that Private Lessons are a much more effective way to learn. We don’t run any courses for under 9’s because this age group tends to need the much more hands on, 1 to 1 approach, of a Junior Private Lesson.
All of our courses consist of 4 sessions. If you are unable to attend a session on a course we would need you to have a private lesson to catch up on the content you had missed, this is pre-requisite to re joining the course on which the other pupils would be ahead of you.
If there are less than the minimum number of people enrolled on a course, it will still run, but for a shorter length of time. If you are not happy with this we will refund the course fee. Please note that course fees are not refundable for any other reason.
Open Practice
There are no more Open Practice sessions until September 2025
Open to people who are currently having tuition with us or have had tuition with us previously.
An opportunity for skiers to practice all those new techniques or just have some fun. Open Practice is available on Saturdays 4.30-5.30pm, and Sundays 1.30-2.30pm during the winter (1st September to Easter). To attend you will need an Open Practice Passport that your instructor will supply, once you have attained sufficient skill to use the slope safely. The Club reserves the right to remove without refund any persons whom the staff feels are dangerous to themselves or others.
Ski Equipment Introduction
Never been on skis before?
Have a look at this video and it will explain how the equipment works, and how to put your boots on properly. This will save you time on your first session – and help you to get a bit excited about it!