Salomon and Atomic Ski Test Evening November 26th

Skis face on (2)


Ever wanted a chance to compare what different skis feel like to ski on?

Now’s your chance! On November 26th we will have Salomon and Atomic’s pool of 2015/16 skis here for YOU to come and play on.

What’s Happening?

How much? – The skiing is FREE! But Pudsey will be here, and we’d love it if you could give him a donation.

When? – From 7pm onwards. No need to book, but a call to let us know you will be coming would be appreciated – it’s 01483 504988.

Who? – If you’ve had a holiday on snow, even if it’s just the once, come and try some different skis out.

Don’t ski or board yet? – Come down and see what we do, drink our coffee and eat cake!

Anything else? – YES! As this will be the last test evening for these skis, they will all be available for sale at the end of the evening, and last year the most expensive pair was only £250.

Boring details!

Don’t forget your gloves.

You don’t have to have skied with us before, and if you’d like more information, give us a call.